A Year of Plant Pathogens

I have recently become very interested in plant pathogens. Here I will document the different species I see in Ireland, organised by month. I hope this site will be a useful resource, both as a reference and to inspire people to take notice of these underappreciated organisms. They are incredibly diverse in form and ecology, and are so ubiquitous that they cannot be ignored.

New species to Ireland

30th March 2024
Ramularia septata on Galanthus cf. nivalis from Orangefield Park.

9th-10th April
Mycosphaerellaceae sp. on Escallonia sp. in North Down. Note both Septoria escalloniae and Mycosphaerella escalloniae are known from this host, and can only be distinguished microscopically.

12th April
Albugo leimonios on Cardamine pratensis in Clement Wilson Park in the Lagan Valley.