Puccinia lagenophorae on Senecio vulgaris in Belfast. Ubiquitous on this host.
Entyloma ficariae on Ficaria verna at 1. Cave Hill and 2. the Lagan Valley, Belfast. Very common.
Uromyces sp. on Ficaria verna at Cave Hill, Belfast. This is stage 0, before spores have erupted. Note the blue discolouration (iridescence?) in the surrounding tissue.
?Spermosporina aricola on Arum maculatum in the Lagan Valley, Belfast.
Uromyces hyacinthi on Hyacinthoides non-scripta in the Lagan Valley, Belfast. Not very abundant; I think it is more common later in the year
?Puccinia tumida on Conopodium majus at Cave Hill, Belfast. If this identification is correct this is a very early stage. See also my record in Rowallane (April 2023).
Also seen:
Peronospora ficariae on Ficaria verna from Ormeau Park, Belfast. The first Ulster record.
Golovinomyces asperifolii on Myosotis arvensis from the pavement outside Cregagh Congregational Church, Belfast. Underrecorded but seems to be widespread in Ireland.
Also seen:
Albugo hohenheimia on Cardamine sp.
Uromyces ficariae on Ficaria verna in Cregagh Glen.
Puccinia lapsanae on Lapsana communis in Cregagh Glen.
Septoria cymbalariae on Cymbalaria muralis from the bridge at the top of Cregagh Glen. New to Ulster.
Uromyces sp. on Ficaria verna above Cregagh Glen. This could be U. rumicis or U. poae, which are indistinguishable without microscopy. Note the coeinfection with Entyloma ficariae.
Also seen:
Ramularia septata on Galanthus cf. nivalis from Orangefield Park. New to Ireland.
Also seen:
Puccinia hieracii subsp. hypochaeridis on Hypochaeris radicata in Glasdrumman.
Kuehnola uredinis on Rubus fruticosus agg. in Glasdrumman.
Puccinia sp. on Holcus lanatus in Glasdrumman.
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