A Year of Plant Pathogens

3rd April 2023

Puccinia tumida on Conopodium majus from Rowallane, Down. This is the first Ulster record since 1947, and the first Irish record since 1993.

2nd April 2024

Coleosporium sonchi on Sonchus sp. in the Annalong Valley.

Also seen:

3rd April 2024

Synchytrium taraxaci on Taraxacum sp. in the Lagan Valley.

Uromyces ficariae on Ficaria verna in the Lagan Valley.

Puccinia malvacearum on Malva sp. in the Lagan Valley.

Also seen:

4th April 2024

Synchytrium taraxaci on Taraxacum sp. in the Lagan Valley.

6th April 2024

Albugo candida on
a) Sisymbrium officinale
b,c) Cochlearia danica and
d) Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimum
in Belfast.

Pustula senecionis on Senecio vulgaris in Castlereagh, Belfast. This genus is new to Ulster. The plant was also infected by Puccinia lagenophorae, though it is not visible in the photograph.

Peronospora ficariae on Ficariae verna in Ormeau Park, Belfast. Note how the infection has progressed from last month, from brownish white down to a darker brown.

Also seen:

7th April 2024

Pucciniastrum epilobii on Epilobium sp. in Castlereagh.

Puccinia sessilis on Arum maculatum in Ballymorran.

Also seen:

9th April 2024

?Ramularia galii on Galium aparine in North Down. If the ID is correct this is new to Ireland.

Mycosphaerellaceae sp. on Escallonia sp. in North Down. New to Ireland. Note both Septoria escalloniae and Mycosphaerella escalloniae are known from this host, and can only be distinguished microscopically.

10th April 2024

Mycosphaerellaceae sp. on Escallonia sp. in Ballygilbert, North Down. This may be the same as the one above.

11th April 2024

Seen in the Lagan Valley:

Seen in East Belfast:

12th April 2024

Albugo leimonios on Cardamine pratensis in the Lagan Valley. New to Ireland.

Entyloma fumariae on Fumaria sp. in the Lagan Valley. New to Ireland.

Also seen in the Lagan Valley:

13th April 2024

Seen in East Belfast:

15th April 2024

Seen in East Belfast:

16th April 2024

Urocystis ranunculi on Ranunculus repens in Rowallane.

Also seen in Rowallane:

Seen in East Belfast: